

The Superintendent’s Cup

Golf Tournament

YP4Kids is the OKCPS Foundation’s young professionals board dedicated to investing in the lives of children. The Superintendent’s Cup Golf Tournament is hosted by YP4Kids to bring community partners together to support the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation while enjoying time outdoors, interacting with district leadership and networking. By providing support as a sponsor or signing up as a team, you are helping us bring awareness to the needs within Oklahoma City Public Schools and connecting our community with the strategic work happening at the Foundation.

YP4Kids Purpose and Goals

Purpose: To establish a collective group of young professional adults to increase awareness of the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation and support the mission of the organization through fundraising and service.  These professionals under the age of 40 will foster lasting supporting and service of the OKCPS Foundation by engaging directly through donated time, talent and treasure.


  • Host the Annual Superintendent’s Cup Golf Tournament and increase dollars raised by 5% from 2023
  • Support the foundation’s T-Up for OKCPS campaign
  • Host a fundraiser in conjunction with Wall of Fame to support a foundation initiative to be designated at a later date with a goal of $1,000 raised
  • Ensure the board’s three Little Libraries are stewarded once per month
  • Continue to grow the YP4Kids board and have at least 25 active members each year


  • Serve as an active advocate of The OKCPS Foundation
  • Contribute financially to the foundation through:
    1. Becoming a Friend of the Foundation, or
    2. Supporting a Donors Choose project, or
    3. Purchasing and restocking books in the board’s three Little Libraries
  • Participate in at least one volunteer opportunity with ReadOKC:
    1. On the Go! Book Bus, or
    2. Reading Buddy, or
    3. Little Library Steward
  • Volunteer at the Annual Superintendent’s Cup Golf Tournament or Wall of Fame fundraiser
  • Attend at least 50% of board meetings, events, or volunteer opportunities


  • 25-35 members
  • Target age range 40 and under
  • 12-month term
  • Meetings will be held quarterly
  • The Chair & Chair-Elect will serve as ex-officio members of the Advisory Board of the OKCPS Foundation, which meets twice per year with the full Board of Directors.

If you are interested in getting involved with YP4Kids, please email us at info@okckids.com.

Presenting Sponsor

Drink Sponsors

Raffle Prize Sponsors



Silver Level Sponsors


Corporate Sponsors

Donate to the 2024 Coat-a-Kid campaign today