High School to Teacher Pipeline Program Application

Step 1:

Fill out Interest Form

Step 2:

Complete the High School to Teacher Pipeline Program Application and MOU and submit to mia@okckids.com

Step 3:

Have your principal fill out the High School to Teacher Pipeline Program Principal Recommendation Form
Application Deadlines:

Spring Semester: September 15th

Summer Semester: February 15th

Fall Semester: May 15th


When should I apply to the Teacher Pipeline Programs?
How long can I anticipate being in the program?
Do I get to pick the college I want to attend?
How many classes do I have to take every semester?
Do I need to turn in official transcripts with my application?
How long does it take to complete the application process?
How would I be notified if I got into the pipeline program
Do I have to submit my FAFSA every year?
What if I am not eligible to submit my FAFSA? Can I still apply to the Pipeline?
What kind of support would I have available?
What are the benefits of being in the Teacher Pipeline Program?
Do I have to take in-person classes or can I take courses online?
If I need to take an in-person class that is only offered during the day, how will that work with my job if that class is held during work hours?

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