Sunday January 10, 2021

The Great Commitment

Rejoicing in the end of 2020 has come from across the world. Turning the page to a new year always delivers the opportunity for a new perspective and fresh start, but this year is especially significant. As we embark on this new year, we all desperately want to believe that things will be different. We all want to maintain hope and the promise for a brighter future for all.

We also know that hope is not a strategy. Strategy requires solid focus and careful planning. Without proper execution, all the planning in the world is meaningless. By definition, a promise is the commitment to do (or not do) something. Oklahoma City Public Schools, even in the crisis mode of operation last year, did all of these things very well. Through it all, time was made for community outreach and development of the district’s new five -year strategic plan, a continuation of The Great Commitment. Without focus on the future, crisis mode becomes the norm, and that is not best for our students or our city. Oklahoma City Public Schools has made a promise and has a clear vision and plan for success. Details of the plan can be found at

The Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools also has a promise and a clear plan. We promise to continue our strategic efforts to provide significant long term and short term impact for Oklahoma City Public Schools. Our newly revised strategic roadmap outlines our key focus areas and objectives for each. Details can be found at

For now, getting students back in school buildings safely is a top priority. OKCPS plans are solid, but must remain fluid as our COVID caseloads continue an upward trajectory. We must all do our part to contain the spread until herd immunity is reached, because we very much need kids to be in school buildings.

The ongoing strategic work happening at OKCPS and at the Foundation isn’t easy, but our efforts will continue. Our commitment to our students is unwavering. Working together with our partners, the belief in our ability to succeed is deep.

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