Sunday August 25, 2019

OKC school district is a huge operation, needs your help

Oklahoma City Public Schools just completed its second week of the 2019-2020 school year. There have been a lot of changes for students, families, teachers and administrators.

There is a new calendar, new school buildings for many, new bus routes, new grade bands in elementary and middle schools and in general, many new routines being developed. While there have been bumps in the road, some small and some not so small, one thing is certain: Students are in classrooms throughout our district and Oklahoma City Public Schools staff members are there to teach, love and support them.

Oklahoma City Public Schools is large. There are approximately 45,000 students and nearly 5,000 staff members, making it larger than many towns in the state. The district covers 135 square miles and includes 57 school buildings.

The district transports an average of 12,000 students to and from school daily, using 120 buses, making it one of the largest fleets, public or private, in the state. The IT network used by the district is the second largest Cisco wifi deployment in Oklahoma, second only to the University of Oklahoma.

OKCPS runs a huge restaurant business also, serving nearly 45,000 meals per day, utilizing a federal grant program that ensures students eat free breakfast and lunch every day.

As we look at the largest school district in the state, complete with the multiple industries that exist within it, and embrace the rich diversity of our students, it is important to remember that our schools cannot do it alone. If everyone in our community realized that these students are our kids and did something, anything to support them, we would be in a much better place.

If everyone in our community made even a small financial donation for coats, teacher projects on, or something more substantial for a school through Partners in Action, they would be joining a large group of community partners who already see the value in building relationships with our schools.

If everyone in our community volunteered as a reading buddy/mentor once per week, or took part in a school beautification or clean-up project, it would go a long way in filling our schools’ needs.

The ways to get involved are many and the needs are great. Please join us.

Read Mary Mélon’s original NewsOK editorial.

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